Te Reo Maori Survey

Kia ora whanau, Ko Tamahaki te tupuna    Ko Te Puke ki Raetihi toku marae Ko Tukotahi Phillips ahau I am a 3rd year student studying Maori and Business Management at Te Wananga o Raukawa in Otaki. As part of my Iwi/Hapū studies I am researching the state of Te Reo Maori, and the use

Poupou Karanga Wānanga

Wāhine mā, karawhiua ō poi … The Tira Hoe Waka Committee in conjunction with Te Wānanga o Raukawa are running Poupou Karanga Wānanga. These Wānanga will be held throughout the year commencing first in Hinengakau then Tamaupoko and Tupoho later this year. We are now seeking Wāhine who would like to begin their journey to