Connecting with familiar and new faces was the highlight for Lead Negotiator Chris Mckenzie as he reflected on eight Ratification Information Hui recently held around the motu.

Mr Mckenzie led a delegation from Raetihi to Waihōpai, Tāmaki Makaurau, finishing in Heretaunga.

He would like to take the opportunity to thank the more than 200 whānau that came along to the hui.

Chris Mckenzie said it was great to see whānau became confident in their understanding of the settlement package and voting process.

“Some kaumātua and kuia who walked into the hui flustered with the registration process were able to receive guidance. To see their relief having registered and able to vote was heartwarming as that was what these hui were about,” he said.

Alongside Te Puni Kōkiri observers, Electionz Returning Officer Isiah Roberts was at the hui.

Mr Roberts, who has extensive experience attending Ratification Information Hui for iwi settlements, was present to provide guidance for uri who were struggling with registering and voting.

He said seeing attending uri empowered to vote and excited about their Settlement was encouraging.

Below is the voting video created by Mr Roberts to assist whānau in the voting process.

Should there be groups of whānau who couldn’t attend hui and have questions regarding the Settlement package, registrations or voting, the negotiation team is available to respond to questions. Contact Steve Hirini at or on 021 651 958.

Provisional dates have been set for signing our Settlement in July, should there be sufficient support. Once details have been finalised, the invitation will be extended to all uri.

Voting closes on May 29, so cast yours today!

As uri of Tamahaki, Tamakana and Uenuku, it is your right to determine our collective future. By showing your support for our Deed of Settlement through endorsing this settlement you are helping make a positive move forward towards mana motuhake.

Should you need any assistance or voting documents you can phone the helpline on 0800 666 028 or email

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