We want your feedback on our Draft Long-term Plan.
As we continue our journey towards a brighter and more sustainable future, we are excited to share the latest draft of our Long-Term Strategic Plan. This plan has been carefully developed with the vision of preserving and enhancing the cultural, social, and economic well-being of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua.
The strength of our strategic initiatives lies in the collective wisdom and insights of our people. Therefore, we invite your invaluable feedback on the attached document. Your input will be instrumental in refining our strategies to reflect the aspirations and needs of our whānau and hapū.
Please review the strategic plan and share your thoughts on the following aspects:
- Cultural Relevance: Does the plan adequately represent our cultural values and heritage?
- Community Needs: Are there any specific needs or priorities that you feel are not addressed?
- Opportunities for Improvement: Any additional comments or suggestions for enhancing the overall effectiveness of the plan.
We are committed to a collaborative approach and value your participation in this crucial process. Please send your submission to enquiries@uenuku.iwi.nz by June 13, so we can incorporate your insights and move forward with a plan that benefits us all.
For hardcopy submissions, please post or drop off to:
Uenuku Charitable Trust
28 Queens Street
Raetihi 4632
If you have any further pātai/questions, please call (06) 385 4900.
Thank you for your time and contribution to our collective future.
Ngā mihi nui