Register with your iwi 

A tribal register for Uenuku, Tamakana and Tamahaki people is maintained by Uenuku Charitable Trust. As registered members, you are:

  • acknowledging your whakapapa and connection to the iwi and many hapū of Uenuku (nā-Tūkaihoro), Tamakana and Tamahaki.
  • able to vote in elections (if you are 18 years +) and processes requiring iwi decision-making, such as settlement of Te Tiriti o Waitangi claims.
  • able to stand for election to the Board of Uenuku Charitable Trust and its subsidiaries, Te Ara Tupua Charitable Trust (social & cultural), Te Mano o te Whenua Tupua Charitable Trust (environmental), and Ngā Purapura Tupua Charitable Trust (commercial).
  • able to have your say and assist the Board to effectively plan for the future.
  • able to receive news, information and updates on tribal business.
  • eligible to apply for scholarships and/or grants that you may be entitled to. 

Register Now

or here for the Printable Registration form

Video Tutorial: How to register online. 

Update your details

If your contact or other details have changed, click here to Update Your Registration Details.
It is important that the Register remains accurate and up-to-date.
Please update your details any time you change address, phone or email, or have a new child or a family bereavement.

Check if you are registered or for help with registration
Call our Office on 06 385 4900 or click here to send us an email.

Help build the tribal register
Registering our people is an ongoing process. It will take several years to establish a comprehensive tribal register of those who whakapapa to Uenuku (nā Tūkaihoro), Tamakana and Tamahaki. You can help by encouraging your whānau networks to register, by collecting registrations on behalf of your whānau, by helping kaumātua and rangatahi to register, and by advising us of changes to contact details, births and family bereavements.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my registration information?
We collect your registration details and enter it into our confidential electronic database. This database stores only the information you give us at the time of registration. You will need to advise us if your details change, or to update your details anytime, click here: Online Registration.

Is my information supplied to anyone else?
Uenuku Charitable Trust has a strict privacy policy that means your details are kept confidential, safe and secure. We do not provide tribal members’ information to any outside party.

Why do I have to provide my whakapapa?
Whakapapa information confirms how you whakapapa to Uenuku, Tamakana and Tamahaki, and assists in verifying your application for registration.

Verification of registration
After they are received, each application for registration must be validated by verifying whakapapa connections. Applications for registration may not be accepted if insufficient or incorrect whakapapa information has been supplied. If there is difficulty with verification of registration details, we will contact you.

Does registering on the Uenuku, Tamakana, Tamahaki tribal register mean I can’t register with another iwi?
No. You have the right to register with every iwi you whakapapa to. You don’t have to choose one or the other. 

How old do I have to be?
You must be 18 years + to register.

What about my children?
You can register children under 18 years on your personal registration form. When children turn 18 they will automatically be transferred to adult membership. Children aged 18 years + must complete their own registration form.